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Feel the need for speed?

Last modified date

These days, the speed with which information is delivered is crucial to business and customer success.  For example, to:

  • Live stream stock market price movements to capitalize on fluctuations
  • Monitor time-series performance data to ensure your data center runs smoothly
  • Send messages and collaborate instantly

In these types of scenarios, querying static data to get the answer is just not gonna cut it.

That’s where the real-time messaging module for SmartCLient and SmartGWT comes into play. It provides low-latency, high data volume streaming capabilities for latency-sensitive applications such as trading desks and operations centers.

The real-time messaging module can connect to Java Message Service (JMS) channels without writing any code, or can be connected to custom messaging solutions with a simple adapter.

Try it for yourself!

We have a bunch of real-time messaging samples in our showcase that you can play with. Check them out:

How to get the Real-time messaging module

The real-time messaging module is available as an addition to the SmartClient Power and Enterprise editions.

  • If you have a Power or Enterprise license, contact us to add the real-time messaging module.
  • If you are using our free (LGPL) edition, or our Pro Edition, you will need to upgrade to be able to leverage the real-time messaging module. You can learn more about the available editions here, then contact us to upgrade.

Jason Hardy-Smith