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Tag: HTML5

~5 Shades of Grey – Another New Skin in Release 12

Check out our new ‘Stratus’ skin that will be part of the SmartClient/Smart GWT Release 12.   Like our ‘Tahoe‘ skin released earlier this year, Stratus is flat and modern looking. However, in comparison to Tahoe, the colors are more muted (mostly grey). It looks awesome. Have a sneak peek below.  You can also find our full Showcase of examples using the new skin...

Is ‘lightweight’ always a good thing?

Business applications are supposed to improve productivity. That is why they exist. However, as developers, we sometimes get excited about a newly released technology and the benefits it claims. We can then end up adopting technology that actually degrades the final product – creating a less productive UI, and even ruining performance, despite promising performance claims. At Isomorphic, we see...

Announcing Smart GWT 3.1 / SmartClient 8.3 Release Candidate, New Features

We’re pleased to announce that SmartGWT 3.1/SmartClient 8.3 has officially achieved ‘release candidate’ status. We’ve seen zero release-blocking bugs multiple times in the last week, so we expect the upcoming final version to be released in 2-3 weeks. As a result, we recommend that anyone currently developing with Smart GWT 3.x or SmartClient 8.x switch over to the new release...

Drawing Cross Browser Vector Graphics

Our new Drawing Module was created to answer a simple question: How do I draw in the browser? If you’ve ever wanted to draw and modify non-rectilinear, browser-native shapes in your web applications, then our new Drawing Module was designed with you in mind. Create, manipulate, and edit arbitrary shapes and styles within your applications without the hassle of cross-browser...